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Although the primary purpose of Async Alpine is to load JavaScript component modules, it could be useful to use it's capabilities for delayed initialisation of Alpine components or elements within a component. When an element doesn't have a download function declared via one of the download methods, Async Alpine will simply remove the x-ignore attribute when the loading strategy is met. This means you can use it with an empty or inline x-data component, or even any element within an Alpine component, like the following:

<!-- delaying the initialisation of a component
with inline x-data until it's visible -->

message: 'loaded'


<!-- delaying the initialisation of an element within
a normal alpine component until it's visible -->

<div x-data>

Advanced options are provided as an optional second parameter to AsyncAlpine.init() as an object. As an example here we set Alpine and Async Alpine to use prefixes starting with data- for HTML spec compliance:

AsyncAlpine.init(Alpine, {
prefix: 'data-ax-',
alpinePrefix: 'data-x-'

For a script installation, advanced options can be specified by setting window.AsyncAlpineOptions to the object as above.

Option NamepropertyDefaultNotes
Custom Prefixprefixax-Sets the prefix Async Alpine uses for attributes. Can be set to data-ax- to make markup HTML spec-compliant. Similar to alpinePrefix below.
Custom Alpine PrefixalpinePrefixx-If you set a custom prefixes for Alpine.js, set this here also
Default StrategydefaultStrategyeagerAllows changing the strategy used when the ax-load attribute is empty.

Async Alpine provides asynchronous loading of Alpine components, you may also want to load a component CSS or a non-Alpine JS file asynchronously.

You can do this easily with the Alpine plugin Alpine.js - Lazy Load Assets. This plugin adds Alpine.js directives to load CSS and JavaScript files when the component initialises.

Alternatively, it can be included within the initialisation of your component without a plugin:

init() {
const head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]

// add script
const newScript = document.createElement('script')
newScript.src = '/assets/my-asset.js'

// add CSS file
const newCSS = document.createElement('link')
newCSS.src = '/assets/my-asset.css'
newCSS.rel = 'stylesheet'
